Laboratory Animals | Why are Custom Diets Important?
If you are a research scientist, your laboratory animals are important to you and the outcomes of your research. This site will provide a wealth of information to help you feel confident that you are providing the best food for your animals.
Dyets provides custom formulated diets for laboratory animals including rat, mouse, guinea pig, hamster, gerbil, cat, dog, ferret, rabbit, pig, monkey, and woodchuck, We welcome the chance to aid in developing purified diets for any other species or any new scientific pursuit. Generally, we employ the American Society of Nutritional Science (ASNS) or National Research Council (NRC) recommended purified diets.
Since we custom manufacture each diet, it is a simple matter to vary any or all of the constituents to meet individual researcher specifications. This allows us to prepare diets with sufficient, deficient or excessive levels of each of the vitamins or minerals as well as quantitative and/or qualitative variation in the macronutrients, protein, carbohydrate, fat, and fiber. We also have broad experience with the formulation and production of L-Amino Acid based diets and our consultants will be happy to discuss your needs with you.