We Value Prompt Customer Service…
We accept MasterCard, Visa, and Discover

To order within the U.S. and Canada
To place an order or to obtain information call 1-800-275-3938 or use our order form
To order outside the U.S. and Canada
To place an order or to obtain information call 1-610-868-7701 or use our order form
Within U.S./Canada 1.800.ASK.DYETS (1.800.275.3938)
Outside the U.S./Canada 01.610.868.7701
FAX Orders
Within U.S./Canada 1.800.FAX.DYETS (1.800.329.3938)
Outside the U.S./Canada 01.610.868.5170
Dyets, Inc.
2508 Easton Avenue
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18017
International Orders
We accept credit cards, wire transfers, or business checks. A proforma invoice will be issued upon request. You will also need to arrange for brokerage service at customs. A United States Department of Agriculture health certificate is usually required for importation. For some countries, the price for this is $100.00 US Dollars. Other documents may also be required by your government. Please arrange for us to receive any needed paperwork required by your government to arrive prior to the shipment of your order: Once the order leaves, we have NO control over customs or shipping; therefore, it is the responsibility of the buyer to ensure that all paperwork is obtained prior to the product shipment. We do our best to ensure that the shipping documents are correct but must stress that it is your responsibility to find out the specific requirements of your country.
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Eastern time.
All prices for for mineral & vitamin mixes, tubes, holders, jars, followers, and lids listed on this website are subject to change without formal notice. We accept Visa®, MasterCard®, Discover® or Electronic Payments. U.S. funds on U.S. banks, please. All prices are F.O.B. Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. For U.S. orders, freight will be prepaid and added to our invoice unless collect shipment is requested. Payment terms are Net 30 days.
To expedite periodic shipments, Dyets, Inc. will establish a standing purchase order system suited to the customer’s requirements.
Dyets, Inc. warrants products made or distributed by it to be accurate by composition on an ingredient basis as labeled by our suppliers. Liability is limited to the price paid for subject product. No other warranties are expressed or implied.
All diets are prepared on a custom basis. Once a custom diet has been prepared, the ordering authority is responsible for all applicable costs incurred should the order be cancelled.
Typically all orders are prepared within 7 business days. However, events beyond our control can delay diet preparation. Please include the date your order is needed with your order and we will ship it via the least expensive rate to meet your delivery date.
Dyets, Inc. will gladly make quotations on the custom blending of any research diet.
All diet and diet ingredients are sold for chemical and investigational use with laboratory animals only and are not to be used for human consumption either directly or indirectly.
Please include on all orders:
- List Dyets® catalog number
- Description
- Quantity desired
- Specify powder or pellets
- Include shipping & billing address
- Purchase order number
- Date the diet is required
- Investigator’s name & telephone number
- If possible please report custom diet formulations in grams/kilograms or grams/liter. Typical caloric density of many common ingredients can be found HERE.